Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Little Lost Love

Today finds me in a very strange place, I have said the last of my goodbyes with regards to the X factor but my thinking today hovers over this whole Love thing. It is a complex matter and I face my difficulty where I know that my ex and I had it – we had something that was real and apart from the emotional abuse, could have worked really well. So my choice in the matter was essentially to choose love and sacrifice my happiness or to choose happiness and sacrifice Love, knowing full well that I may never have this again. I think that is what made my decision so hard. I am beginning to miss the ex as I expected to do ages ago but I am also very happy with my new partner. The two appear to be like chalk and cheese but at the same time do have similarities. I think I may even be falling in love which has happened a lot sooner than I ever expected. I feel like a teenager all over again. Very very weird but I’m enjoying it, just feeling a little lost right now…


David Chin said...

The Catholics go to confess their sins regularly to a priest. They come out from the church refreshed and recharged to face the world again. The rest of us who are buddhists, moslems and whatever have blogs to help us maintain sanity.


Happy-go-Lucky said...

Hi David,

Thanks so much for your comment. I am new to this whole blogging thing. Did you enjoy my blog? Be honest...

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